Monday, April 20, 2009

Healing Cycle Race Team: Bloomfield Road Race

Four members from our team entered a Road Race in Rochester, New York yesterday and it offered I all pain and suffering that I could handle for one day. Due to age sanctions three members were forced to race in the Senior 1/2/3 race. The race was 110km on a challenging course, to my surprise it didn't have one flat section on the entire 18km circuit. The elevation changes made for a strikely hard event. I can tell you that racing at 40+ km/h uphill is not something that I do everyday, let me re-phrase that that I ever do. At one point on lap 2 sitting in the middle of the group beggin' for more air I looked down at my power meter and saw 600 watt continuously posted on my computer. Hitting that number is not the challenging as doing it on ever hill, repeated every 2 to 3 minutes. The fitness of the riders around me was amazing, I could tell from the back of their legs. Ever pedal stroke was a flexing of ripped, tanned skin. How many hours do these guys ride? These thoughts don't stay around for long when pain from my legs scream louder than any passive thought.
The course unraveled any insecurity and expose the naked truth. I tried, I suffered and died all at the same time. I impaled myself on my own sword. But like any stubborn warrior I will not give up and rode on own for another 2 laps to complete exhaustion. My day was done but the adventure was worth the journey.

My congradulations to Stirling our fearless director, he finished 8th overall in the Senior 1/2/3 race. And a huge applause to Greg for fininshing 1st overall in the 40+ race. The Healing Cycle team once again proved that we are ready to battle. These guys are hardened warriors and unleash their strength at every event. Thankfully they're on our team.

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