Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What Is Cycling?

Cycling is…

…befriending the wind, no matter where it greets you.

…knowing the right tire pressure and releasing your own.

…acquainting yourself with yourself, again and again and again.

…pleasure and pain in no particular order, and gratification always.

…2 wheels, 2 legs, and 1 heart.

…never losing sight of the finish line.

…remembering that pain is momentary.

…a creative adventure with every ride.

…building healthier, longer, more fun lives.

…living in the moment to the max.

…regeneration with every pedal stroke.

…choosing to live better.

…feeling the road, not using it.

… like a game of chess and each kilometer is a move towards the next start line

… knowing that the grueling ride up the hill, becomes the exhilarating ride down.

What is cycling to you?

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